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Portrait of Suzanne Bastid

Gallery of Francophone International Lawyers (in French), Société française pour le Droit international

Joint Declaration on Israel’s Gaza offensive, 1 August 2014

Over 140 International Law professors, Legal Scholars and Human Rights Experts Call on International Community to Act: End Israel’s Collective Punishment of the Civilian Population in the Gaza Strip.

Administrative Law – Case notes

Droit administratif

Council of State, Ass., 13 February 1976, Association de sauvegarde du quartier Notre-Dame à Versailles, Recueil Dalloz, 1977, p.105

Council of State, Ass., 18 January 1975, Da Silva and CFDT (case of the Marcellin-Fontanet circulars relating to immigration of foreign workers in France) JCP (Semaine Juridique), 1976 n° 18235 et Revue de l’étudiant en droit, Avril 1977

Council of State, Ass., 2 November 1973, Société librairie Maspero (case of the “Tricontinental” journal), Recueil Dalloz, 1974 n° 432

Council of State, Sect., 19 January 1973, first case, Société d’exploitation électrique de la rivière du Sant ; second case, Minister of Industrial Development v. Le Vavasseur, JCP (Semaine Juridique), 1974 n° 17629

Council of State, Sect., 5 May 1972, Société d’équipement de l’Indre and 21 July 1972, société “Entreprise Ossude”, J.C.P. (Semaine Juridique), 1973 n° 17481

Political Sciences

Sciences politiques

Pierre-Mendès France and the events of May and June 1968, Memory, Paris, Institute of Political Studies, 1969, 181 p.

A morality of the Republic. Pierre Mendès France and political institutions, Memory, Paris, Institute of Political Studies, 1968, 246 p.

© 2020 Alain Pellet

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