SFDI, Strasbourg conference, The precedent in international law, Pedone, Paris, 2016
D. Muller, Shareholder protection in international law: the heritage of Barcelona Traction, Pedone, Paris, 2015, p. v-ix
B. Tchikaya, Reminder of the jurisprudence of public international law, Hachette Supérieur, Paris, 6th ed., 2015 (1st ed. 2007)
SFDI, Rouen conference, Internet and international law, Pedone, Paris, 2014
A. Peters et alii (eds.), Immunities in the Age of Global Constitutionalism, (with D. Thürer), Brill, Leiden, 2014
SIDI/SFDI, The future of international organizations. Colloquium of Courmayeur, Editoriale scientifica, Naples, 2014
A.-L. Vaurs-Chaumette, Subjects of international criminal law – Towards a new definition of international legal personality?, Pedone, Paris, 2009
V. Rodriguez Cedeño and Milagras Betancourt C., Temas de Derecho Internacional VII – Introducción al Estudio de Derecho de los Tratados y de los Actos Jurídico Unilaterales de los Estados, Caracas, 2004.